Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mid-Year Excitement

Well, it is coming up to the middle of our year; students are gathering their study notes and are diligently preparing for next weeks midterms and finals!  One of the greatest tools we've found for this more hands-on learning experience is creating information videos in a creative and fun way.  A number of our first years have been putting together videos, and we will sometime record what goes on in class for easy look-back material to study from.  You can find some of this content on YouTube (our channel is called PIMTSaskatoonClass).  We posted the link to our channel on facebook, but here is the link to our channel if you want to see what some of the students have been up to this year.

We are excitedly making preparations to move to our new location (to be announced soon)!  As one of our clinic rooms has been taken over by boxes, we are closing clinic one week early and may keep clinic closed for 1 week after Christmas break, just so we are totally up and running when our clients return!  Keep checking up on us on Facebook and our website to find out what else is new and exciting!!

The deadline for January applications is coming up (this Friday the 10th!!!)  We only have roughly 3 spots left, so if you're thinking about joining us this exciting year, we suggest you get your application in before the weekend!!  The fastest way is to apply online, and you can be sure to hear from us within a couple of days.

Friday, October 28, 2011

PIMT Pride

It has been quite the busy October!  Each year, the first two months of the year are the most packed full of events, excitement, and experiences, and this year has been no exception.  I have included a video of one of the games first years have made to help them remember the material in a positive and enjoyable way!  I hope this gives you an idea about the creative, wonderful students we have this year!

Along with these great ideas, we've gone through our first set of exams this year, and I must say it was very encouraging to see the progress of our first years and the determination of our second years.  Way to go you guys!

In just a couple of days, we'll be spending some time with STC Urban Family Services, volunteering for people who otherwise would not have the opportunity to receive massages!  We are excited to give back to our community.  We'll also be at the University of Saskatchewan in December for Stress-Less!  Come check us out if you're in the area; we'll be beside the library.

At the end of this month, we'll be choosing student reps from each class.  Nominations have been coming in, and voting will take place on Tuesday!  Rep comments to come.

Make sure to check out our website: www.pimtmassage.com for info about our upcoming online options!  Calgary campus will be set up for January, Saskatoon will be set up for September.  We also have continuing education credits available at our online campus!  Sign in as a guest to see what we have to offer.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oh the Joys of Fall

Almost 2 weeks of classes done, and everyone is in such good spirits.  I took the first years to Kinsmen Park yesterday to learn and review anatomical position, planes and axis points, and directional terms.  We had a roaring good time watching a student do some Highland dancing to show fluidity of movement, undoing human knots, and trust falling for directional understanding.  The year is off with a bang; we can't wait to see what's going to happen next!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2011 - 2012

The sounds of laughter, foot steps, and lecturing.  The summer has come and gone in a flash and we are excited to see all the new faces and welcome back our now second years!  Classes commenced on August 29 and we are going full force.  Remember guys and gals, as you delve into your studies and start working in the clinic, your time is important to us all.  The more you keep on top of your work and ask questions and get everything you can out of your courses, the better a therapist you will become.  We look forward to walking this journey with you, lending helping hands along the way.  Don't forget to take time to reduce stress while you're here as well.  We're looking forward to many potlucks and fun days to spice up your educational excursion.

While you're here, make sure to remind everyone that we're now accepting students for January.  That's right, January is just 4 short months away and the spots are filling!  If you know anyone looking for a Massage Therapy school, you know where to send them.  Good luck everyone!

Monday, August 15, 2011

PIMT Pride

PIMT Pride is an expression of who we are and the culture we inhabit at the Institute.  We believe in cultivating a positive and challenging atmosphere to give our students a sense of accomplishment in their studies and in the hard work they put into their education.  Our pride is not one of conceit or a hierarchical sense of dominance, but one of confident students becoming competent Massage Therapists.  It is one that states that our competitors do not have our pedigree.

PIMT Pride is the 90+% retention rate we have every year.
PIMT Pride is the 90+% graduation rate we have every year.
PIMT Pride is the 85+% employment rate we have every year.
PIMT Pride is the continued betterment of our curriculum through constant review and revision
PIMT Pride is the qualified instructional team who offer the best of themselves so that our students do not fear bringing their best
PIMT Pride is the dedication of administration to the life of the Institute
PIMT Pride is the team of supervisors working to make our clinic the best it can be
PIMT Pride is our way of saying "you matter to us, let us show you how much" every minute of every day
PIMT Pride is praising those who succeed and those who exceed expectation
PIMT Pride is encouraging those who are struggling and never giving up, no matter what
PIMT Pride is making a difference now so our students will make a difference in the future of Massage Therapy

As we provide the highest standard of education we will cultivate this culture of pride and accomplishment, looking toward our past, present, and future students with an expectancy of greatness.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I know what you're thinking...What revolution is there in Massage Therapy?

If you are a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), you may already know the answer to this question.  If you're not, let me enlighten you.  But first, let me ask you this: Do you want to make a difference in your life and the lives of people you meet?  If you do, please read on and be empowered; if you don't, reading further may change your life!

Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, Yukon, North West Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI all have something in common: Massage Therapy is not Regulated through their Health Region; we are all accredited private institutes through an educational branch of our provincial governments and massage associations, but we are still considered secondary health care.  Why?, you may ask, and you would be right to do so!  Because we have only a fraction of the support we could have and, as most of us know, to make change with any governing body, the number of people who support a cause determines the strength and speed of that change!

Doctors, chiropractors, and physiotherapists also all have something in common: they are considered Primary Health Care givers; they all benefit people in one way or another in our ever-present quest for a better lifestyle; they all use extreme measures (at times) to practice.  Their methods serve to help us live a healthier life and to be happy and content.  The only difference (other than technique application) that Massage Therapists have is being considered secondary health care givers.  Our practice focuses on soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.) manipulation for a number of purposes (increasing joint movement, increasing circulation, improving quality of life) and yet, we are considered to be less important than other health professionals who aim for the same outcome.

Why am I telling you this?  What could you possibly have to do with massage regulation?  Give me a couple more minutes of your time and you may just be surprised by the answer.

Every massage therapist or massage therapy student understands how difficult it can sometimes be to see their profession grow, not only in the eyes of their clientele, but in view of the government.  Not to say we aren't growing ($4-6 Million average expenditures on Massage Therapy in 2003 alone).  Various Massage associations do their best to raise awareness about the benefits of Massage Therapy and the need for regulation, but we seem to be missing something very important: YOU!

Yes, YOU!

May I ask you another question? Oh, good :)  Do you feel like you could have more purpose in your work, that your current lifestyle could be better?  If you answered yes, then you have an option you may not have realized until now: becoming a Massage Therapist.  I know, easier said than done, right? NO! Any RMT out there will tell you three things: (1) what a relief it was to only have to take 2 years of training and get right to work; (2) how fulfilling it is to hear some one say "wow, I don't know what you just did, but I can actually move my neck (or other area)"; and (3) how perfect it is to make their own hours, make $25-50 per hour, and be a part of something with purpose!

You may be thinking, "Ok, what's the catch? Why does it sound like all benefit for me when you said you needed me?"  We do need you!  We need you to be in a Massage Therapy career; not only that, we need you to be successful in that career (which, by the employment rates, is highly obtainable) and to be content with your new lifestyle.  Why?  Because happy, employed professionals with a purpose in life have the kind of voice and presence we need to reach out to our Provincial Health Regions for regulation.

If this has peeked your interest even a little, I encourage you to spend some time looking into a career start or change into this ever growing field.  Here are a few sites to get you started:
 To come...Massage Therapy Myths Unveiled!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Looking to the Future

As I was re-organizing the textbook and resources we keep in our library, I came across more study tips and tricks from another reputable author Kevin Patton.  From Mosby publishing came Patton's book "Student Survival Guide for Anatomy & Physiology" 1998, and it surprised me how relevant the information still is to our current and prospective students.

On the inside cover of this little 58 page paper back it says:
"Student Survival Tips for Anatomy and Physiology
1. Have a winning attitude
2. Know your learning style
3. Plan a learning strategy
4. Arrange a suitable study area
5. Plan a reading strategy
6. Analyze your note-taking skills
7. Study actively
8. Use all your resources
9. Prepare for tests
10. Use a test-taking strategy"

So, no matter what education you are taking, these 10 steps can drastically improve the likely-hood you will succeed greatly in your study and test-taking.  Students of all ages, nationalities, and personal preferences should take time to look at their education in view of these steps and consider what they can do better in order to achieve the highest goal possible.

I suggest to any students looking into or already attending Massage Therapy classes to stop by the Saskatoon Campus over the summer to take a look at this book; come, make time to create your educational strategy for the 2011-2012 academic year.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Social Media and Its Impact on Massage Therapy

What is Social Media? Well, if you are reading this, you're experiencing it right now: the world of the web and all the facets of communication it offers. The standing question in my mind and in the mind of many Health Care Professionals is "How does social media impact my practice?" and "How can I use it for my benefit?" and "What are the downsides to social media; where do I draw the line?" All very good and pertinent questions.

Places like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and the various blogging sites available have taken the concept of word-of-mouth and expanded the surface area covered ten-fold. This makes advertising and certain types of marketing simple and affordable if you take the time it may take. It seems that a business that does not have a website may struggle as the next generation becomes their clientele; a generation saturated with on-line presence.

Getting back to the meat of the topic: how do you think social media will impact your business? Will it enhance your productivity or be a weight? How can you position or transition your career to keep up with the expectations of an on-line market

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Brief View of the Year

This has been a very exciting year at PIMT Saskatoon.  We would like to highlight some of the amazing occurrences we've been fortunate to experience this year:

  1. This year we are pleased to announce the commencement of our Disabled Student's Equality Program
    • This program was created to ensure that each student has an equal opportunity to succeed in the career they choose
    • Students who struggle with learning, physical, or psychological disabilities are given the chance to make the most of their education, without being belittled, pushed aside, or forgotten
    • We have purposed to create a program that will assist these students in using their strengths in studying, note taking, and examinations while not compromising our evaluation standards
  2. As always, we have given our students the opportunity to get out into the community and practice their training through "outreaches" - a supervised time of massage practical and learning
    • We started the year working with the Canada Revenue Agency's appreciation day; the students of our first year class had the opportunity to perform relaxation massage for an afternoon
    • One of our favourite outreaches is at the University of Saskatchewan's Student "Stress-Less" day; our first year class had the opportunity to work on the students through the most stressful time of year: EXAMS
    • We are currently in the midst of an outreach with the MS Society; our senior class is giving over a number of clinical hours specifically volunteering massage treatments for members of the Society (Thank you Cassie for all your help organizing)
    • As we look toward the rest of the year, we are looking forward to working with the AIDS Society and the Saskatoon Yellow Jackets
  3. We have also had the opportunity to attend a number of career fairs in high schools across Saskatchewan
    • In Saskatoon, we visited a number of high schools (including Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute)
    • We traveled to Swift Current, Melfort, and Tisdale (to name a few)
  4. We are currently working on have a new Part-Time Relaxation Certificate Program approved
    • This program would be 250 hours and would certify graduates to work as Relaxation Therapists or Spa Clinicians
    • We are currently waiting on approval through the Ministry of Education
In addition to the Institute specific, we have also been a part of the larger picture for Massage Therapy in Saskatchewan:
  1. Working alongside the Massage Therapy Association of Saskatchewan and the other Massage Therapy institutes in Saskatchewan to assist the furtherance of the Massage Therapy profession as it pertains to national competencies
    • We have been given the opportunity to see and be apart of the action that will hopefully bring legislation to the profession of Massage Therapy - making it a primary health care modality and being recognized as a regulated profession
  2. Attending workshops with the Student Financial Assistance Branch of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment, and Immigration - discussing the new initiatives they are putting in place to aid students in their educational endeavours
    • Our campus is up-to-date on all information that pertains to financial aid for students in Saskatchewan and are supporting the positive changes SFA has instated for students
  3. Spending time with the Saskatchewan Association of Career Colleges, who are tirelessly working toward the betterment of Private Vocational Education in this province
    • We are impressed at the willingness of an association to strive for excellence, not only in themselves, but in the Institutes they represent
We have had such an amazing year so far. There is no end to the positive accomplishments and opportunities that we - and others associated with Massage Therapy - can create and/or acquire in this field.